Technical Support

When it comes to service, our number one goal is your satisfaction.

Whether it is problems with your CD-ROM, Graphics card, Memory, Hard Disk, Processor or your sound doesn't seem to be working, our certified and experienced technicians will find the problem and present you with the best solution.

Or maybe it's not the hardware but the software you are trying to use that is the cause of the problem. Our technicians are equally skilled and experienced in finding and fixing software related problems, whether they are Operating Systems related, or simply configuration problems.

Maybe you don't have a problem, but you need some advice on upgrading, or buying a new computer. Let us help you make the best and most informed choice before you go hunting for a computer that may turn out to be more of "money pit" than a "bargain". Consultation is one of our strong points, and our educated and experienced staff are ready to use their knowledge for your benefit.

Our technical department is available to look after both you and your computer in all of the above scenarios and many more. If you have a PC problem, then call or bring your computer by to for a long term stable solution.


Policies and Procedures
Copyright © DataBoss Inc.

518 - 5th Avenue South
Lethbridge, Alberta
T1J 0T8
Fax: 403-394-1212